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Pi Day 3/14 isn't just for Math!!!

Every year the math teachers get all hyped up as March approaches because let's face it, Pi Day is fun! As a science teacher, I always wanted in on the fun, but wasn't sure how to incorporate it into my classroom while sticking to my standards... So, I developed a fun PIE themed activity for my students covering a standard I wasn't quite sure how to teach (because I hadn't even heard of the vocabulary word prior to becoming a science teacher). I decided PI Day is the perfect time to teach students about Dichotomous Keys! Now, if you are reading this and that word Dichotomous just made you get a tad bit nervous because you aren't exactly sure what it even means, IT IS OKAY. BREATHE. It sounds like a difficult thing, but it is actually quite easy! You and your students have probably even used one before but didn't realize that was what it is called. So- to ease your mind, let me give you a little bit of background on DICHOTOMOUS KEYS.

Dichotomous means divided into two parts (di=2). Dichotomous Keys consist of a series of statements with two choices in each step that help lead the user to determine the correct identification of an object or organism (or in the case of this activity, pie). Each set of statements are created based on observable traits. As each series of statements is answered, the next step in the process is given and the possible identification options narrow down. There are 3 types of Dichotomous Keys: Nested Style (looks similar to a bracket with each answer nested under the answer leading up to it), Branching Tree Style (laid out in a tree diagram format, vertically), and Linked (which is the style this activity covers).

In this PI DAY Activity, students will use a Linked Dichotomous Key to identify different flavors of pies. They will then create their own Linked Dichotomous Key to help others identify different Pizza Pies.

The activity includes an example, background information for

the teacher, two activities to help students use & create dichotomous keys. It also includes an answer key and project rubric. I am a true believe in bringing the fun, so as an added incentive for your students to do well, you may want to consider allowing the class that does the best on their projects to pie you! From experience, don't use real pie- whipping cream on a paper plate gives them the same satisfaction but is SO much easier to clean up! Not a fan of a pie to the face? Maybe see if an administrator would be willing to take part in the fun!

Whatever you decide, may your PI DAY be filled with fun, may your students learn to love Dichotomous Keys, and may your pie taste delicious!!!

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