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Test Prep

Updated: Jan 11, 2022


Can you believe the home stretch has arrived?! What a crazy year! Many of you had to balance both virtual and face to face teaching this year! You the real MVPs!!! May is right around the corner with all of the chaos that is the end of the year. In Texas, the STAAR test looms, with 8th grade taking theirs in the next few weeks. I know so many teachers dread the pressure of state testing. It can be especially hard on the nerves of students. I found a fun way that took away most of the nerves, prepared my students, and actually made ALL of us look forward to those weeks leading up to the test. This can be adapted to help prep for any state test. Check out my State Test Prep Fun page for all the details! Also, check out my awesome STAAR Review Resources in my TPT Store!

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